The state company for drug and medical appliances
Is a public company founded in 1964 ,is governed by the general companies law No.22 of 1997 as amended and the rules of procedure NO.1 of 1999 .
The company is managed by the board of Directors ,which consist of the director general chairman and eight (8) members , includes (19) department , (4) sectionsand (5) stores in governorates +serums and vaccines` institutte in addition of sources of founding is currently 6.5% of contract .
It is an economic unit , self-founded and wholly owned by the state and has moral personality , financial and administrative independence and work according to economic principles associated with the ministry of health and its main headquarters in Baghdad .
The company targets
To contribute in supporting the national economy by providing medincines , medical supplies and medical equipment and private constitutional laboratory materials and spare parts for medical and servis devices and chemical materials used in the manufacturing process and preparation of serums and vaccines , whether used for medical purposes or for other purposes by importing this materials from abroad or preparing and manufacturing it in Iraq and distributed it on govermental and non govermental health institution.
Maintenance the service and medical devices .
Contribution in other manufactures to medicines . medical appliances and serums and vaccines in Iraq ,Arabic and forigen countries .
Printing activity to serve the need of company and departments of the ministry .
The vision
Providing medicines and high-quality supplies through the use of highly efficient import policy .
The letter
Provision of medicines and medical appliances for all citizens with high quality and appropriate cost .
Fnctions of the company &its board of directors
Take the necessary measures for importing &marketing what iraq needs of medicines &scientific appliances ,medical & services devices &its spareparts to achieve its purposes except what exciuded by private law
Enter into contracts & agreement within & outside iraq for private & commercial agencies to acheieve the company objectives
Open stores inparts of iraq
The establishment of manufacturing & production units of serums ,medical vaccines &diagnostic kits with its supplies
Contribute to the establishment of an iraqi &arabic companies to achieve thier purposes based on this system within & outside iraq
Adoption agents of civil stores with distribution the medicines & medical supplies to civil pharmacies & diagnostic kits to civil labrotaries
Provision the supplemantary requirements for company activities
Approval of plans & annual budgets spread over the months &seasors of the year
Approval of the final accounts & annual report of the company
Approval the draft annual budget of the company
Perform legal acts & business to achieve the purposes of the company
To take the necessary measures with regard to the reports submitted by the internal control section &make sure to take the necessary measures regards with observations of the office of financial supervision
Overseeing of the marketing process & provision of raw materials &platform for importing &all the companies activites then evaluating the results of implementation of plans
Terms of the contract proposal for using the experts &arab foregin esearchers who needed company for service in accordance with the laws
The proposal to join the company to the arabic & international organaztions related to company activity
To approve the investment of cash surpluses to contribute with contributing companies to implementation the objectives of the relevant company invested in fixed deposits in banks in iraq
Company Policy
the board of directors shall draw ,put policies & management ,financial ,regulatory,technical plans necessary for the conduct of its business & achieve the objectives, supervision & follow up impementation &exercise of all rights & power related